Fall Home Improvements

It’s fall time finally! Time to do fall cleaning and start surveying the damage that the brutal summer may have caused your beautiful home. Now is the perfect time to begin on home improvements and here are a few things you can do to ensure that your home is in tip top shape.

  1.      Inspect and fix your roof.

Now that the summer has passed, it’s time to check your roof for damages from fallen branches to hail dents and dings, falltime is a great time to make sure things are in order no matter what summer threw at you. If you have already noticed a leak, this should take high priority as a leaking roof can cause a lot of damage to your home such a wood rot, softening of drywall and even mold.

  1.       Update and repair windows:

Check your windows. Chances are that you already noticed leaking windows that let cold air escape your home this summer. Replace windows with up to date, energy efficient vinyl windows. Making this simple improvement, when the cold winter months arrive you’ll save on heating cost. 

  1.       Update your Rain Gutters:

Without rain gutters, our homes are defenseless against the raging rain storms. The water from rain could erode the soil around the foundation, splash dirt onto the siding of the house and leak into the basement causing internal damage to the house. Modern covered gutters cut maintenance to a minimum – no more climbing the roof to clean out the clogs.

  1.       Update the Siding: 

This winter, you’ll be inside keeping warm, while outside your house’s exterior will be enduring the winter’s harsh temperatures and intense weather conditions. Have your siding inspected by one of our qualified technicians and consider replacement with today’s great looking, high performance, energy efficient vinyl siding.


American Weathertechs is a highly reputable company that can help you with all of your home improvement needs. When you decide to make the call to begin on your home improvements, be sure to call us! 513-759-9904

– See more at: https://www.americanweathertechs.com/news-and-events/entry/fall-home-improvements-4/#sthash.jBm1D9k1.dpuf

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